
responsible for the contents:

Aktionskreis gegen Produkt- und Markenpiraterie e. V. (APM)

Gertraudenstrasse 20
10178 Berlin

Tel.: 030/ 206 790 – 71
Fax: 030/ 206 790 – 72

Register of associations: Charlottenburg Local Court VR 27739 B

VAT ID No.: DE199654429

Executive Board authorized to represent the company: Volker Bartels (Chairman),
Attorney Doris Möller, Dr. Jochen Volkmer

Liability notice

This page is part of the internet presentation of the
Aktionskreis gegen Produkt- und Markenpiraterie e. V. (APM).
No guarantee for correctness and topicality!
Any liability, in particular for any damage or consequences caused by
the use of the offered knowledge material are excluded.
The linked external pages are exclusively third-party content.
APM assumes no responsibility for the content of the linked pages.

The website was produced by:

Photo credits (seb_ra, fongleon356, thomas-bethge, skynesher, Saklakova, Cleardesign1, ArLawKa AungTun, shaunl, artisteer, Georgiy Datsenko)
Envato (sergign, stokkete, westend61)

Home / Projects / Filmprojects
Filmprojects © Bo Riedel Petzold